White Crane Billing Solutions

What Does It Cost?


Therapist Guide to Diagnostic Codes and Procedures

Kenneth L. Salzman, PhD

Owner & Licensed

Clinical Psychologist

3815 W Saint Joseph St


Lansing, Michigan 48917

phone/fax 517-321-3777


White Crane has been a Blue Cross & Medicare approved Billing Service Bureau serving therapists since 1991 and has been recognized by Blue Cross for Outstanding Support.

Schedule of Charges as of 10/1/2021, last changed 4/1/2009

Provider/Therapist Initialization (paid once only) $60.00

Client Initialization (paid once each client) $ 4.00

Each Service Date Billed $ 3.00

    • These charges are subject to change only with thirty (30) day’s notice.

    • The Initialization charges are made one time only for each Provider or each Client.

    • A “service date” means each service for each date for each client. Five clients each seen twice will generate ten service dates. Two different procedures performed for the same client on the same date will generate two service dates.

    • A secondary claim may require an additional billing be sent for the same date of service (subsequent to the primary claim being processed) and will then generate an additional service date billed.

    • Special services, such as instruction in the use of the Blue Cross DENIS database system, or use of such systems on your behalf, or submissions to agencies not accepting either electronic or CMS1500 paper claims may involve charges which will be negotiated in advance of the services.

    • Most troubleshooting activities are done at no charge. When a claim that should get paid does not get paid, we will work with you to determine what went wrong and resolve the issue(s) involved. This work does not incur any additional charge, even if it involves repeated contact with the payers and/or resubmissions of the claim by White Crane.

    • Computer consultation services may also be contracted.

    • Please feel free to inquire about additional services that might be available.