White Crane Billing Solutions
How Do I Sign Up?
Therapist Guide to Diagnostic Codes and Procedures
Kenneth L. Salzman, PhD
Owner & Licensed
Clinical Psychologist
3815 W Saint Joseph St
Lansing, Michigan 48917
phone/fax 517-321-3777
White Crane has been a Blue Cross & Medicare approved Billing Service Bureau serving therapists since 1991 and has been recognized by Blue Cross for Outstanding Support.
If you still have some questions contact me
If you feel ready to get started right now, all the materials you need can be found right here. All of the needed registration forms are included in ONE form. All the forms will autocomplete when you fill out just the first page ON YOUR COMPUTER.
You will download all the forms to your computer. You will need to have a PDF reader (Adobe Acrobat Reader, Foxit PDF Reader, etc) which can be obtained for free. When you click on a file's link, it will either download immediately or you will see a dialog giving you the option to save the file or open it in your PDF reader, and you will choose to save it. You will open and fill out the file in your PDF reader. Then you save, close, and print the completed file. If you have any difficulty with this process, please let me know. Thank you.
White Crane Billing Solutions utilizes my, Kenneth Salzman's, access through the Availity clearinghouse for electronic transmission of claims files to all insurers and receipt of response files from the various insurers who send those. In the cases where an electronic claim cannot be sent, White Crane will print the CMS1500 paper forms and mail those.
NOTE: You do NOT have to have an account at Availity in order to have your claims filed by White Crane through them. If, however, you would like to have White Crane be able to do best troubleshooting of claims, then it would be to your advantage to enroll with Availity and to add me, Kenneth Salzman, as a user to your account. Please read and follow instructions found in the White Crane Flyer#37: October 29, 2023
Begin by downloading the Registration Forms Instructions, a PDF file you can print or read on your computer:
Registration Forms Instructions
Then download the Registrations Forms file (one large file)
Follow the instructions to complete the forms in the forms file... that's all!
To add clients to our database, simply complete a Subscriber and Client Information Form (and a Supplemental Insurance Form, if appropriate) for each client. You can include the form(s) with your next Services Performed Reporting Form or send them separately. You only need to complete these forms once per client.
Whenever you want to submit claims (you can start right away), complete a copy of the Services Performed Reporting Form. The form really is as simple as it looks. Put the client's name on the left, and session dates to the right. Make a note of any changes to procedure, fee, number of sessions on a single date, billing the secondary insurer, authorization number, etc, at the bottom of the form (refer to the Sample Services Performed Reporting Form). Make sure we have a Subscriber and Client Information form for each client you have listed on your Services Performed Reporting Form.
Remember to put your name and the date you are completing the Services Performed form at the top. Remember to make a copy, computer file or printed, of all forms for your own records. Mail forms to White Crane Billing Solutions using a mailing label, or fax everything to 517-321-3777. Due to HIPAA regulations, these materials can only be emailed if you have a means to encrypt the forms you are emailing. We will send you bills for work performed as we go. If you are allowing us to charge your payment to your credit card, we will do so. Otherwise, please submit payments to us as we bill them (or you can include a check to cover the costs as you submit forms to us).
As we receive your materials, we will enter the information into our database and send the appropriate billing information to the insurance companies. We will send you Response Information as it is received from the insurers. More about Response Information>>
If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to call, write, or email.